Monday, September 21, 2015

Hope of a Dream

If I dared to dream, would my dream come true
and smother the cinders of hate?
Could mercantile smokestacks decline to spew
streams of nebulous residue

scorning our terrestrial fate?

Thursday, August 6, 2015

President Muhammadu Buhari, Man or Myth?

Anyone who followed my comments and posts during the build-up to the 2015 Presidential elections will attest to the fact that I was not as rabidly pro-Buhari as most. While I remained stoutly in defence of his squeaky clean record of public service (any attempt to soil his record of integrity is laughable!), I expressed deep concern and posed a number of questions to his supporters concerning some of his earlier unguarded, highly provocative pre-elections utterances. I queried his capacity to respond appropriately to twenty-first century economic trends. I also wondered and asked why, in the area of tackling the Boko Haram insurgency, as a member of the Council of State Buhari had not offered his assistance to President Jonathan (whom, I am certain, would not have turned him down). I got only two unconvincing responses. What I was expecting was some sort of defence or contextual rationalisation to assure me that my worries were unfounded.

Well, that is all water under the bridge, now, and Nigeria has since voted. Muhammadu Buhari is President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and, as such, from the 29th of May 2015, I unreservedly transferred 100% of the loyalty, respect and support which I had for President Jonathan to him – along with my prayers and best wishes. A necessary caveat at this point, though. My definition of “support” abjures blind, slavish followership and engages constructive criticism. After all, my Holy Bible instructs me that the wounds of a friend are better than the kisses of an enemy!

I feel it is a little early in the game for me to move into overdrive in “friendly wounding” mode, especially in light of our most recent atypical inter-party transfer of power. The ill-advised, over-hyped and quite unnecessary diplomatic trip to the United States of America, with 32 Nigerian delegates (no less!), forced me to uncharacteristically jump the gun. Nevertheless, now that I’ve had my say, and the President and his team have had their way, let me settle back into my much preferred role of looking for and accentuating the positives.

What do we stand to get, as Nigerians, from a Muhammadu Buhari Presidency? I am not speaking, here, about the over-flogged issues of tackling insecurity and corruption head on, or improving energy and reforming the petroleum industry.  The APC top echelon, the President, and his kitchen cabinet know fully well that their credibility, nay, their political survival, depends on their ability to effectively deliver on these campaign promises. My emphasis, therefore, will lie on an area which is very close to my heart; the area of reorientation of our national and societal values.

I believe, without a doubt, that Nigeria is more than capable of a true renaissance. Everywhere I go, the consensus seems to be that we can and will, as a nation, rise to significantly greater heights; yet such optimistic assertions are frequently punctuated with an “if only…”

“If only what!?” The deluge of probabilities cascade forth.
If only this insecurity would end!
If only religious intolerance and bigotry would end!
If only ethnic rivalries and discrimination against ethnic minorities would end!
If only corruption could be dealt with and economic saboteurs punished!
If only the economy were more diversified!
If only there was stable power!
If only there was affordable housing, education, health…
If only…
If only…
If only… we had a focused, incorruptible leader!

That, for me, presents the missing link. Don’t get me wrong. I am too much of a realist to place all of my hopes on a political messiah who, with a single wave of his magic wand, will set everything aright. Yet, you must agree with me, after careful consideration of historical precedents, that societal change frequently finds its most effective leverage and expression in strong, individual change agents. Mao Tse Tung, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Nelson Mandela and Jerry Rawlings were all change agents. They each, as it were, represented a standard rallying point that people could look up to. In most cases, the people provided the foundational fulcrum which their leaders could lean and pivot on in order to enforce and institute change. In each of the above historical scenarios, an established order, which was hitherto considered immovable, was uprooted entirely and replaced with a new, more people-friendly order.

I believe that Nigeria has reached that particular point in its national evolution where such change is imminent. The increasing gap between the haves and the have-nots, the  disempowerment of the middle class (or what is left of it!) coupled with the current state of unyielding economic realities has resulted in a progressively more agitated, disillusioned and increasingly impatient populace. In fact, the victory of a perceived “people’s favourite” at the presidential polls served to significantly dissipate the increasing clamour for societal upheaval, smothering the rumblings and dousing the sparks of a people’s revolution. Yet the embers still smoulder. With increasing levels of political sophistication and citizen awareness, the Nigerian people are not as gullible as they once were. They know that “change” represents nothing more than an empty political catch word and slogan for many persons who were conveniently positioned alongside President Muhammadu Buhari during his presidential campaign. The President’s teeming admirers did not stand in the sun and rain, casting their votes for these political pranksters – they did it for Muhammadu Buhari.

President Buhari is not a difficult person to figure out. Basically, what you see is what you get! Far from articulate, socially awkward and unpretentious, he may not be the best of company as a dinner date at a social function. But that was not why the Nigerian people elected him into office. If you want an interesting dinner date, go with Gen. Ibrahim Babangida (Retd.).

President Buhari is not politically savvy. We have all seen that. He has significantly limited economic knowledge. That is already a given. However, the popular vote in Nigeria did not go to Buhari the professional political economist. On the contrary, the votes went to Gen. Muhammadu Buhari, the no-nonsense, patriotic army general, and Mallam Muhammadu Buhari, the reformed democrat, social crusader and defender of the masses. The perception that Nigerians have of President Buhari is one of a man of nobility and honour, a man who is worthy of implicit trust, whose self-discipline, candour and dogged determination is evident in his family and lifestyle as demonstrated over the years.  

You may, as I have, argued that President Buhari is ill-equipped to lead in this 21st century of innovation and new applications of technology and economic dynamism. I held that opinion until I took a closer look at the successes of ex-President Lula of Brazil. Prior to his campaign for the presidency, President Lula had had no formal education, having worked as a plumber before joining the labour union where he rapidly rose through the ranks. Yet as President, he masterfully superintended over Brazil’s transformation into the veritable economic powerhouse that she is today. How? First of all, he employed an efficient, committed team of experts. In comparison to him, President Buhari has had much command and administrative experience while in the military and after retirement. Clearly he has a distinct foundational edge over President Lula. The final determinant of his success will be the quality of men and women that constitute his kitchen cabinet.

Nigeria has never been in want of certified experts and qualified hands. They literally abound, in all sectors and at all levels. What has been sadly lacking is the political will that is predicated upon focused, selfless, and strong-minded leadership by example. And this is where President Muhammadu Buhari stands today, head and shoulders above the rest, perfectly poised to make history as the leader of a resurgent Nigeria.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Boko Haram, an Environmental Problem? HECK, NO!!!

Mirian, you invited me into this conversation, and I apologize for taking this long to respond. While I fully appreciate the environmental causes of conflict detailed by Theo, and the entitlement mentality mentioned by Greg, from my perspective, Zainab has best captured the essence of the matter and I align myself with much of what she has so lucidly pointed out.

Well, here’s my personal opinion – you’ll notice how personal it gets as you read along.

The problem is not environmental. The problem is not poverty. These are combustibles that fuel the fire.  The problem that started the fire is education, or more aptly, a lack of it. It begins with a succession of failed Northern leaders, each one too shortsighted to appreciate the cumulative effects of ineffective governance as evidenced in the abysmal, ineffectual education policies that have resulted in today’s embarrassing rates of illiteracy. I am talking about leaders whose only claim to fame and power has been through the barrel of a gun (brute force) or through the deployment of deluded hordes that have been conditioned over the years by strategically coordinated campaigns of religious intolerance and ethnocentrism. Such leaders are threatened by any new order, and will deploy all they have to forestall any move that will result in heightened citizen awareness. You could well compare them to a half-literate man who is threatened by his wife’s increasing awareness through education, and then resorts to beating her (violence) and refusing her further access to higher education (frustration of growth) – the primordial principle of muscle over mind.

Let me make a few other observations, though.

The oversimplification of Nigeria into “three main tribal groups, the Christian Igbos, the Muslim Hausa, and the mixed Yoruba” is actually untrue and misleading. The Hausa in the past have been officially estimated to constitute 21% of the population; Yoruba, 21%; Ibo, 18%; Fulani, 12%; Ijaw, 10%; Kanuri, 4.1%; Ibibio, 3.6%; Tiv, 2.5%; and others, 18.7%. Today we know that these projections are fallacious and politically motivated, democracy being a game of numbers.

Here are a few noteworthy facts:

1.       There are MANY Hausa Christians, many more than you would imagine, in Kano, Katsina, Kebbi, etc.

2.       The Christian population of indigent Nigerians in the Northeast (Adamawa, Bauchi, Gombe, Borno, Taraba), if not more than the Muslim population, is certainly equal to it. A proper census, excluding the millions of illegal immigrants from Niger and Chad, would present a truer picture.

3.       Fact is, all of the other tribes put together actually could amount to >50% of Nigeria’s population. I am Pabur/Burra. Although my tribe is spread across five states in Northern Nigeria, many Nigerians will tell you they’ve never heard of us. We are predominantly Christian, have a sizable Muslim population, and we get along okay. The same holds for over three hundred other tribes in Nigeria.

4.       One reason for the assumption by foreigners and some Southern Nigerians that the North is predominantly Hausa is the mode of dressing. We all dress the same. I wear khaftans a lot. Both my wife and mother love using veils. But we are NEITHER Hausa nor Fulani and we are proudly Christian.

5.       A second reason for this misconception is that Hausa is the lingua franca in most of Northern Nigeria. It is the vernacular that is understood almost everywhere up north.

If it were left to the “big three,” Nigeria would have split up a long time ago. I believe the so-called Northern Minority tribes are the glue that keeps it all together.

1.        These minorities (predominantly Christian) are Northerners geographically, yet they share the bond of religion with many Southerners. I, for example, am as comfortable with my Ibo brother as I am with my Northern brother. In fact, in some cases, due to years of perceived inequity and injustice due to religious bigotry in the North, I may find myself more closely aligned (and willing to trust) my Christian (or even Muslim) Southern brother in certain matters, than my supposed regional brother. Why? Because I would consider him less likely to align with someone across the border (say, in Cameroun or Benin Republic), in order to oppress me. On the contrary, I may not be that confident of my Muslim Northern brother who openly displays a greater sense of solidarity with the Chadian or Nigerien (because of religion) than with me. Unfortunate, but true.

2.       In the past, these lines actually overlapped and blurred sometimes, because a Muslim Minority Northerner seemed to enjoy an elevated status over a Christian Minority Northerner. States like Benue and Plateau that were predominantly Christian had their minor internal ethnic struggles on farmland and boundary issues, but they never resulted in the sort of strategic, coordinated attacks carried out by Maitatsine or Boko Haram who, incidentally, made no secret of the fact that theirs was/is a religious agenda. Their primary targets have always been Christian Northerners and non-Muslim Southerners. Their goal…strategically decimate the Northern Christian population by forcefully converting them, or simply eliminating those who will not convert. The sheer size of the population of Northern Christians, and their fraternization with their Northern-based Southern brethren, makes Boko Haram’s attempts laughable. I should point out, at this point, that the act of suicide bombing is in itself a concession to the fact that the adversary (the bombed) is greater than the bomber. The reasoning is such, “Since I clearly cannot defeat them physically, let me hurt them and see if I can instill fear in them, thereby breaking their spirit.”

3.       East, west, home is best, they say. Well, for the Northern Nigerian minorities, the North is still home, religious persecution and ethnocentrism notwithstanding. We do not intend to go anywhere else.

4.       The Northern Minorities showed remarkable restraint and maturity (as they always have) by not allowing Boko Haram to turn them against their non-Minority, Muslim Northern brothers. We now understand the dynamics and will no longer be used to fight another man’s war. Yes, indeed, we have our differences, but they are not unresolvable, and progress is being made in the area of mutual respect and understanding.

Northern Nigerian minorities are caught betwixt and between. Many times treated as second-class citizens back at home in the North, we regard the South as allies who can check the excesses of the radical Muslim Northerners who are hell-bent on creating the impossible – an Islamic Nigeria. In view of all of these, it would be an affront to our sensibilities to attempt to depict Boko Haram as simply the result of environmental degradation. Ethnic militias are not a new thing in Nigeria. Nether are Islamic fundamentalist militias in the North. Where did they spring from? What kind of society produced them? Why has there been so much bloodshed in the North?

Let’s look at the North more closely.

I grew up in a North where a lady could not walk some streets wearing a skirt or trousers. She would be trailed by street urchins chanting, “Matan kurege, biri da wando!” meaning, “Squirrel’s wife, monkey wearing trousers!” In quite a few cases, they would even throw stones at her! I witnessed it with horror many times. Even as late as the eighties, in the University of Maiduguri (no less!), I remember female students being attacked by Islamic extremists on campus for not dressing “appropriately.”

I also remember when I was in the University of Maiduguri, in the late eighties, when young boys whom we called "Yaro" boys roamed all over campus, willing to do little odd jobs like washing dishes or running errands. I wondered whose they were and what sort of future they might have. I was told they were Almajiris. I wondered why they were not in school. Today, I wonder if those boys, who must be in their mid-thirties now, do not make up the bulk of Boko Haram's fighter force.

I grew up in a North where Southerners were referred to in Hausa as “kwari,” meaning insects. We, Northern Minorities, were referred to as “kabilu” (tribesmen), though only God knows by what term they referred to us in private.

Now let’s move to the present. I must admit that it has been many, many years since I last heard anyone use the offfensive term "kwari." A tentative step in the right direction..?

Not too long ago, I was challenged by Raphael Ossusens, one of my supervisors (South-southerner), for having a predominantly Northern workforce. I was quite shocked, because I had never viewed my staff from that perspective before. I explained to him that most of my groundskeepers/gardeners had come to me through Matthew, my oldest serving gardener (17 years now), and I believe that Matthew had simply pooled from those whom he knew he could personally rely on not to disappoint him (he knows that I tolerate no form of tardiness!). I assured Raphael that there was no sinister agenda, reminding him how when I appointed him as supervisor over all of them, even though he had been with me for only two and a half years, they had all accepted it. He was quite satisfied with my explanation, but that got me thinking. Apparently we Nigerians see things through the eyes of region, ethnicity or religion. So, in order to properly vindicate myself, I decided to employ a Northern Muslim since all but one of my workers were Christian, lest I be tagged an ethno-religious bigot.   

I had asked the security men at the gate to get me someone who could do some menial work at my home, and they introduced me to Ahmed who initially began work for me as a laundryman, occasionally washing my vehicle in the mornings. I asked him if he’d like to learn gardening and join my team. He was delighted. I introduced him to the boys, instructed them to observe his propensity for diligence, and dispatched them to site. On the third day, while driving back from site with him, we began discussing the day’s events. He had actually, earlier shown some initiative by repairing a pipe that had been mistakenly burst while digging. He related to me how he went to a small hardware store to ask if he could get a short length of pvc pipe, to which the store owner (an Igbo man) insisted he pay a small amount. Ahmed was outraged! Why must he pay for this little piece of piping, which was most probably picked off the ground in a building site!? He concluded his narrative with a statement of indignation in Hausa, saying, “Rankadade, ama kabilun nan ba su da hankali!” meaning “Sir, these tribesmen (non-Hausa) are of bad character!” He had blurted it out before it occurred to him that his boss was actually a ‘Chief Tribesman.’ Ahmed's attempt to correct himself was hilarious, to say the least. He quickly added, “Gaskiya, Rankadade, um.. um.. um.. Inyamirai din nan sun chika son kudi!” meaning, “Of a truth, Sir, these Igbo people like money too much!”

First he had unwittingly shoved me outside his “circle of approval” then, upon realizing his mistake, he attempted to smuggle me back in. How? By denigrating the Igbo man! Upside down reasoning! When I came back home, I pondered over this unfortunate delusional thought process, and silently cursed whoever it was that had sown such a terrible seed in the young man’s life. He was operating as he best knew, speaking from the heart. Does Ahmed represent the average Hausa or Fulani Northern Muslim?

Ahmed was not born thinking this way. He was conditioned over time to believe that somehow, being Hausa made him superior to all other tribes. This engendered a feeling of entitlement. Entitled to what!? It is this same kind of thinking that goes on in the head of the street beggars who believe that they are actually helping you to fulfill your religious obligation of giving alms. This mindset became more evident as Ahmed would shirk his duties, working basically when he chose to. After reprimanding him a couple times, I gave up. Why should one out of fifteen workers consider himself entitled to special treatment? The final straw was when he failed, unlike all of my other workers, to produce someone who would stand for him as a guarantor. I simply had to let Ahmed go.

Now, a caveat. It would be a gross injustice to incorrectly label all Kanuris, Hausas, Fulanis or,indeed, Muslims simply as a result of the failings of some of them. We would then be guilty of the same folly as the unfortunate deluded ones. I am delighted to note that there have always been  a large number of Hausas, Kanuris, Fulanis and Muslims who were totally against such boorish behavior. I must also admit that there have been a number of Minorities (Pabur/Burra, Margi and Higgi) in cahoots with Boko Haram. Such idiots cannot be used to define me! In the same vein, Boko Haram must not be used to define the Hausa, Fulani or Kanuri Muslim North. The current successes against Boko Haram would never have been possible without the support and involvement of the Borno Youth Vigilante Group (Civilian JTF) and well-meaning Northern Muslims who provided reliable intelligence.

 I fondly remember a Muslim friend of mine in the University of Maiduguri, with whom I would debate for hours on end, with no animosity. We would sit on the back steps of our hostel in the evening, sharing a cigarette, and discussing faith issues amongst other things. It was such that when I eventually left Maiduguri, I particularly asked him to put a protective eye on my younger sister who had just gained admission. I can give many other examples of Muslim men and women who Nigeria is blessed to possess. I’m sure you’ve got your own endless list too. I am of the distinct opinion that the majority of educated Northern Muslims are far from radical. Having been properly educated and/or enjoyed such international exposure that ensures wider and loftier perspectives, these are the ones that are ever willing (and able) to work towards a stable, peaceful, balanced, and prosperous society. Of course their numbers may pale in comparison to the hordes of highly indoctrinated, illiterate “free radicals” who give the rest a bad name. The influence of the enlightened ones, however, can be significant. I guess it is more up to the “good ones” than anybody else to work towards redeeming their significantly battered image. A good place to start, methinks, would be reorientation. Each one, reach one.

Why is it that with the more recent overwhelming successes of the Nigerian Military in decimating the ranks of Boko Haram, so many closet radicals are still grudging in openly commending and supporting our troops? Granted, while the liberated communities are rejoicing on the one hand, they still remain skeptical on the other hand, because they are distrusting of some of their local and state government officials whom they believe are in cahoots with Boko Haram. Remember, it is a fact that Boko Haram kingpin Kabiru Umar, alias Kabir Sokoto, mastermind of the St. Theresa’s Roman Catholic Church bombing in Madalla, was arrested in the Borno State Liaison office in Asokoro, Abuja. Why would he confidently run to a State Liaison for refuge? It defies explanation!! This is a man whom investigations later revealed was "Governor" of Sokoto State according to the Boko Haram hierarchy!!!

So, ultimately, who exactly are the major culprits? I believe we should turn the spotlight on those community, village, local government, religious, business and political leaders who know they cannot sustain their undeserved influence in a more highly evolved, enlightened society and, as such, hide behind religion and ethnicity (whichever suits them best) in order to remain relevant and in control. They will use their exalted positions to frustrate any move to liberate the people that they so easily control, especially if it is through the enlightenment that good education provides. They do not want a level playing field, because they know their level. So, if it suits their immediate agenda, they will conveniently let the “yaro boys” do their dirty work by convincing them that … “Boko Haram” - “Western Education is Sin.”

But now we know. And they know that we all know. The game is up. NEVER AGAIN!

Why can’t we all just get along? I love Fulani culture and appreciate their history. I respect them, as long as they respect me. I’ve read about Usman Dan Fodio and his military prowess. I also read that El Kanemi disagreed with him over the jihad, and they debated the issue intellectually. That doesn’t mean that Kanuris hate Fulanis! This is the archived history available to me. There is, however, some other history that was handed down to us through generations.  I come from a community that never bowed to Dan Fodio’s warriors (we lost territory once but recovered it all, and more, within a span of 7 years) and am proudly descended from a warrior great-grandfather who was arrested and exiled by the British for opposing Fulani rule. That doesn’t mean that Pabur/Burra hate the Fulani. Much to the chagrin of many of my loved ones, my preferred candidate for the Adamawa Gubernatorial elections is Nuhu Ribadu, a Fulani man. Leaving the faulty processes that led to his gubernatorial candidacy aside, I regard Nuhu Ribadu primarily as a fearless performer with a recognizable, established track record who just happens to be a Fulani Muslim. If I regard his ethnicity and religion as a crime, then shouldn't I be adjudged guilty of the same ethnocentrism and religious bigotry that I decry?

I love metamorphosis because, many times, it is not immediately noticed. The caterpillar in the cocoon does not realise that wings are developing until, one clear morning, he/she unfurls those crisp new wings as a butterfly! In like manner, I believe that a lot has changed and is still changing in the North. Citizen awareness is higher than ever before. How do I know? Last year’s assassination attempts on Sheikh Dahiru Bauchi and General Buhari in Kaduna, clearly calculated to spark confusion, were met with a calm, measured response by the Muslim community. Years ago, it would have resulted in a bloodbath.

Intermarriage is another key factor. Since in Africa, marriage is not just a union of two individuals but of two families, cross-cultural unions over the years have increased appreciation for other cultures and essentially improved levels of tolerance.

Education, however, remains the single most important key to unlocking a future of ethno-religious harmony in Northern Nigeria. Education brings enlightenment and many anti-developmental demons are exorcised simply by “switching on the light.” Starting at the primary level, children must be taught to appreciate individual distinctions and peculiarities, and the value of tolerance. Positive aspects of other cultures should somehow be fitted into the curriculum.  

Finally, reorientation must be aggressive, sustained and carefully coordinated at all levels nationwide. Christian clergymen and Islamic clerics must be carried along. Traditional and community leaders must be involved. The “us versus them” mentality must be actively discouraged.

My ultimate delight lies in the fact that the preachers of hate and sectionalism are losing ground fast. This is due to the rise of the new-breed Nigerians. Who are they? Let me conclude with an excerpt from my soon-to-be-published book.

“Recently, Lt. Col. Adeboye Obasanjo was thrust into national prominence by default when he was shot by Boko Haram militants. Certainly not a seeker of the spotlight, he unwittingly warmed himself into the hearts of many Nigerians after expressing an eagerness to return to the frontlines while still recuperating from wounds he received in battle against the insurrectionists in Adamawa State. The question on many lips was, “What was he doing there in the first place!? Why didn’t he take the ‘typical’ route and get his father to influence his posting away from the Boko Haram hotspots?”
His privileged parentage notwithstanding, he has earned for himself the distinction of being labeled as a full-blooded Nigerian, willing to pay the ultimate sacrifice in defense of the motherland. I doubt if anyone would ever question the sincerity of his commitment, or his love for his nation. He stands tall, amongst many other unsung heroes, as an epitome of the new-breed Nigerian, leading by example and well-equipped for the 21st century.

             Focused, diligent and determined to succeed

             Impervious to ethnic, religious or class distinctions

             Effectively contributing to nation-building

             Willing to rise through the ranks like everybody else

             Standing stalwartly in defense of the motherland

             Focusing on, and being a part of the solution, instead of focusing on, and being part of the                    problem”

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Weed before you Seed

In order to establish a new lawn or revive an old one that has become weed-infested, the best approach would be to completely eliminate the existing grass (weeds and all). This is done by the application of non-selective organic herbicide or by taking the purely naturalistic route – tilling and raking. This can be tricky business as leftover seed may still remain after an application of herbicide (or tilling) even though everything may appear to have been rooted out or died.

I must venture a note of caution, at this point, though. Haste, indeed, makes waste. Many a freshly planted lawn has become a homeowners’ nightmare simply because of a lack of thoroughness and patience at this preliminary, yet crucial, stage. Any live roots of the old lawn which remain will continuously spring forth, mingling with the newly planted turf, and will most likely overpower it. Some grass species, like Zoysia, have roots which extend as much as four inches below the surface and will reappear with new growth if conditions are once again favorable.

Before rushing into the process of laying new turf or sowing seed, therefore, the gardener must first thoroughly turn over the soil, and then ensure it remains well-irrigated for another two weeks. In this span of time, any leftover seeds which survived the initial onslaught of herbicide and/or tilling, will sprout and can then be permanently dealt with. Only then can you be certain that your new lawn will indeed be fresh and attractive with no ‘carryover’ of weeds.

There's nothing more unsightly than a weed-infested lawn!

Finally, once the new lawn is fully established and has grown to maturity, the gardener must avoid the mistake of mowing too close (‘scalping’). This creates favorable conditions for weeds to reappear. Mowing must be regular, with no more than one third of the length of the grass blade removed at any one time, while maintaining a reasonable cutting height.

This, of course, means that the type of mowing equipment used becomes a major factor at this point. More recently, particularly in the city of Abuja where I reside, standard lawn mowers appear to have taken the back seat to string trimmers. This is actually unfortunate, as mowing height is better achieved and maintained with standard lawn mowers. The likelihood of scalping with a string trimmer is greatly increased, regardless of how experienced the operator may be. On the contrary, almost all the available varieties of lawn mowers in the market today have levers for adjusting mowing height. The absolute minimum for mowing height should be one and a half inches and, depending on the grass type, can range to well over four inches.

The string trimmer, undeniably, has its place and function. Where the surface is sloped, uneven or where the aim is simply to control brush, the string trimmer comes in quite handy. That is why it is also referred to as the brush cutter. Furthermore, on embankments where the use of a mower could prove hazardous, the string trimmer is the tool of choice. Finally, of course, string trimmers are the perfect tools for trimming turf which encroaches and overlaps along driveways, walkways or other paved surfaces.

Laws are useless, when men are pure, unenforceable when men are corrupt”

I’m sure you’re already getting the drift. When a system is corruption-riddled and becoming less and less constructively productive, for God’s sake, overhaul and SANITIZE! Insanity has been aptly defined as the repetition of the same action over and over again, each time expecting different results. The worn-out process of reacting to change is grossly ineffectual for the times in which we’re in. The proactive approach, on the other hand, precipitates positive change by the engineering of appropriate solutions to problems which have been anticipated beforehand or, even better, precluding the occurrence of such conundrums in the first place.

Corruption in our dear country is already a hydra-headed monster. It is time to fight, not feed, it. The unmitigated perpetuation of self-destructive corrupt practices has combined to further exacerbate already stringent living conditions in Nigeria. As we pussyfoot around blatant acts of corruption, lack of patriotism and even barefaced acts of economic sabotage with an uninspired, insincere and ineffectual approach, the deleterious effects continue to proliferate exponentially.

Let’s construct a hypothetical scenario of corruption in our society and its resultant effects. Mr. Saul Pawa is able to secure a contract for the supply of military hardware simply because he is best friends with a high-ranking defense official. This is in spite of the fact that his company, Thlandir Ltd., has not met the Contract Award Criteria on technical merit. Even though Thlandir Ltd is fully mobilized for the purchase of brand new, top-of-the-shelf military hardware, Mr. Saul Pawa proceeds to procure fairly used equipment from a shady source who promises to deliver them to Nigeria ‘just like new.” The items are subsequently delivered and, on closer inspection, some of the receiving inspectors notice that this equipment has not only been refurbished and repainted, but is in fact, less than half the quantity of what was specified in the award letter. The team leader is hastily pulled aside, palms are greased and the supply is consequently approved. The following year, many of these items are rolled out in the Army Day Celebrations parade, before an admiring, unsuspecting Nigerian President, Army Chief and public.

Years later, most of the compromising inspectors are able to retire early, with three of them combining to establish a private security outfit. The team leader, also retired, is now a respected community leader and philanthropist. She is in constant touch with Mr. Saul Pawa who has relocated to the United States of America where he owns some fine real estate. Meanwhile, our high-ranking defense official, having also retired from service, runs for political office and wins with a landslide victory. His campaign slogan is “Let’s make Nigeria better!” Everybody’s happy.

Fast-forward a number of years later and the nation is plagued by incessant attacks from a group of insurrectionists who are hell-bent on establishing a break-away republic. Everybody agrees that the rebels are no match for Nigeria’s all-conquering military who have never, in their proud history, come out second best in armed conflict. The order is given for deployment and the military equipment is rolled out, only this time it is not for show, but for real.

Scandal! Half of the equipment breaks down even before getting to the front lines. There is also confusion amongst defense officials concerning the exact quantity available, as stock appears inexplicably low. Tragedy! Even worse, the equipment that is used is so antiquated and non-operational that it results in heavy army and civilian casualties and a subsequent unprecedented loss of morale amongst the troops. A probe panel is set up to investigate the direct and remote causes of this humiliating catastrophe. Investigations unearth a trail of dirty dealings that clearly implicate some individuals close to the corridors of power. Nothing comes of the befuddling panel report which, at best, is inconclusive. 

Now replicate this unfortunate scenario, or create similar ones a thousand times over, at varying levels in the health, education, power, petroleum, transportation and housing sectors, and you will begin to understand the enormity of the problems faced by an intrinsically corrupt nation.

I often wonder why we, as a society, appear afraid of upsetting an applecart which already contains so many rotten apples. If one bad apple can spoil the whole bunch and we’re already stuck with a quarter cartload of bad apples, isn’t it about time we cleaned up the entire mess? The horrible stench will keep many away anyway, so why not just close shop temporarily and “weed out” all the bad apples. Our neighbors and customers will respect us the more for it and will in due course be more confident visiting and doing business with us.

Just musing…